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Harrison, J., Osburn, C., Harris, A.,* Nelson, N.* (accepted). Tryptophan-Like Fluorescence for Monitoring Fecal Contamination in a Marsh-Dominated Estuary. ES&T Water.

Daly, S., Chieng, B., Araka, S., Mboya, J., Imali, C., Swarthout, J., Njenga, S., Pickering, A., Harris, A.*(accepted) Microbial Source Tracking and Enteric Pathogen Detection in Humans and Domesticated Animals in a Low-income Urban Area of Nairobi, Kenya. ES&T.

Cutts, B., Osia, U., Bray, L.A., Harris, A.R., Chmielewski Long, H., Goins, H., McLean, S., MacDonald Gibson, J., Ben-Horin, T. and Schnetzer, A., (2024). Shifting power: Data democracy in engineering solutions. Environmental Research Letters.

Daly, S., Priadi, C., Foster, T., Willets, J., Putri, G. L., Harris, A.* (2024) Exposure Assessment of Antimicrobial Resistant E. coli in Self-Supplied Drinking Water in Indonesia: Evaluating Boiling and Storage Practice Effectiveness. ES&T Water.

Gunda, T., Cantor, A., Grubert, E., Harris, A., McDonald, Y. (2024) The Water-Climate Nexus: Intersections across Sectors. WIREs Water.

Carr, M., Gold, A., Harris, A., Anarde, K., Hino, M., Sauers, N., Da Silva, G., Gamewell, C., Nelson, N. (2024) Fecal bacteria contamination of floodwaters and a coastal waterway from tidally‐driven stormwater network inundation. GeoHealth. 8(4).

Holcomb, D., Christensen, A., Hoffman, K., Lee, A., Blackwood, D., Clerkin, T., Gallard-Góngora, J., Harris, A., Kotlarz, N., Mitasova, H., Reckling, S., de los Reyes, F., Steward, J., Guidry, V., Noble, R., Serre, M., Garcia, T., Engel, L.. (2024) Estimating rates of change to interpret quantitative wastewater surveillance of disease trends.” Science of The Total Environment, 175687.

Pasha, ABM, Kotlarz, N., Holcomb, D., Reckling, S., Kays, J., Bailey, E., Guidry, V., Christensen, A., Berkowitz, S., Mitasova, H., Engel, L., de los Reyes III, F., Harris, A.* (2024) Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater from a shared septic system and sub-sewershed sites to expand COVID-19 disease surveillance. Intended for Journal of Water and Health.

Cutts, B., Vilá, O., Bray, L., Harris, A., Hornsby, G., Goins, H., McLean, S., Crites, M., Allen, A., McMenamin, N., Harlee, T. (2024) Shifting Terrains: understanding residential contaminants after flood disasters. Science of the Total Environment. 907.

Harris, A.*, Daly, S., Pickering, A., Mwifadhi, M., Harris, M., Davis, J. (2023) Safe today, unsafe tomorrow- Tanzanian households experience extreme variability in drinking water quality. ES&T. 57(45).

Hoffman, K., Holcomb, D., Reckling, S., Clerkin, T., Blackwood, D., Beattie, R., de los Reyes III, F., Harris, A., Mitasova, H., Kotlarz, N., Stewart, J., Kazenelson, J., Cahoon, L., Frampton, A., Munir, M., Lee, A., Berkowitz, S., Noble, R., Guidry, V., Engel, L.,  Serre, M., Christensen, A. (2023) Using Detrending to Assess SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Loads as a Leading Indicator of Fluctuations in COVID-19 Cases at Fine Temporal Scales: Correlations Across Twenty Sewersheds in North Carolina. PLOS Water. 2(10).

Hornsby, G., Ibitoye, T., Keelara, S., Harris, A. R.* (2023) IDEXX defined substrate assay for enumerating antibiotic resistant coli in various environmental media. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 25(1).

Kotlarz, N., Holcomb, D., Pasha, A B M, Reckling, S., Kays, J., Lai, Y., Daly,S. , Palani, S., Bailey, E., Guidry, V.T., Christensen, A., Berkowitz, S., Hoppin, J. A., Mitasova, H., Engel, L., de los Reyes III, F., Harris, A.* (2023) Timing and trends for municipal wastewater, lab-confirmed case, and syndromic case surveillance of COVID-19 in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. American Journal of Public Health, 113(1).

Al-Faliti, M., Kotlarz, N., McCall, C., Harris, A.R., Smith, A.L., Stadler, L.B., de los Reyes III, F.L. and Delgado Vela, J. (2022). Comparing Rates of Change in SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Load and Clinical Cases in 19 Sewersheds Across Four Major Metropolitan Areas in the United States. ACS ES&T Water, 2(11).

Swarthout, J.M., Fuhrmeister, E.R., Hamzah, L., Harris, A.R., Ahmed, M.A., Gurley, E.S., Satter, S.M., Boehm, A.B. and Pickering, A.J. (2022). Differential overlap in human and animal fecal microbiomes and resistomes in rural versus urban Bangladesh. Applied and environmental microbiology, 88(14).

Lowe, J., Ercumen, A., Prottas, C., Zikusooka, S., Harris, A. R.* (2022) Exploring the Determinants and Indicators of Poultry Feces Management Behaviors in Rural Western Uganda. Science for the Total Environment, 834.

Daly, S. W., Harris, A*. (2022) Modeling Exposure to Fecal Contamination in Drinking Water due to Multiple Water Source Use. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(6).

Workman, C.L., Stoler, J., Harris, A., Ercumen, A., Kearns, J. and Mapunda, K.M. (2021) Food, water, and sanitation insecurities: Complex linkages and implications for achieving WASH security. Global Public Health, 17(11).

Harris, A.R.*, Fidan, E.N., Nelson, N.G., Emanuel, R.E., Jass, T., Kathariou, S., Niedermeyer, J., Sharara, M., de los Reyes III, F.L., Riveros-Iregui, D.A. and Stewart, J.R. (2021) Microbial Contamination in Environmental Waters of Rural and Agriculturally-Dominated Landscapes Following Hurricane Florence. ES&T Water, 1(9).

Masten, S.J., Harris, A., Kearns, J., Borrion, A., Peters, C.A. and Gadhamshetty, V.R. (2021) Global Environmental Engineering for and with Historically Marginalized Communities. Environmental Engineering Science, 38(5).

Daly, S., Lowe, J., Hornsby, G., Harris, A.* (2021) Multiple Water Source Use in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Review. Journal of Water and Health, 19(3).

Bivins, A., North, D., Ahmad, A., Ahmed, W., Alm, E., Been, F. Devin North, Arslan Ahmad, Warish Ahmed, Eric Alm, Frederic Bee …Harris, A.R…. & Bibby, K. (2020) Wastewater-Based Epidemiology: Global Collaborative to Maximize Contributions in the Fight Against COVID-19. Environmental Science and Technology. 54(13) 7754–7757.

Niedermeyer, J., Miller, W., Yee, E., Harris, A., Emanuel, R., Jass, T., Nelson, N., Kathariou, S., (2020). Search for Campylobacter reveals high prevalence and pronounced genetric diversity of Arcobacter butzleri in floodwater samples associated with Hurricane Florence, North Carolina, USA. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

Hamzah, L., Boehm, A., Davis, J., Pickering, A. J., Wolfe, M., Mureithi, M., Harris, A. R.* (2020). Ruminant Fecal Contamination of Drinking Water Post-collection in Rural Kenyan Households. In Special Issue ‘New Directions in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Research,’ International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.17(2).

Ercumen, A., Prottas, C., Dioguardi, A., Harris, A. R., Guiteras, R. (2020) Poultry ownership associated with increased risk of child diarrhea: Evidence from Uganda. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 102(3).

Matusovich, H., Carrico, C., Harris, A., Sheppard, S., Brunhaver, S., Streveler, R., McGlothlin Lester, M. (2019) Internships and engineering: beliefs and behaviors of academics. Education+ Training, 61(8).

Harris, A. R., Pickering, A. J., Boehm, A. B., Mrisho, M., Davis, J. (2019) Comparison of analytical techniques to explain variability in stored drinking water quality and microbial hand contamination of female caregivers in Tanzania. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 21(5).

Elliott, M., Foster, T., MacDonald, M., Schwab, K., Hadwen, W., Harris, A. R. (2019) Addressing how multiple household water sources and uses build water resilience and support sustainable development. Nature Partner Journals Clean Water.

Harris, A. R., Amin, M., Unicomb, L., Davis, J., Boehm, A., Luby, S., Pickering, A. J. (2018) Fecal contamination on produce from wholesale and retail food markets in Dhaka, Bangladesh. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 98(1).

Boehm, A. B., Wang, D., Ercumen, A., Shea, M., Harris, A. R., Shanks, O. C., Kelty, C., Ahmed, A., Mahmud, Z. H., Arnold, B. F., Chase, C., Kullmann, C., Ahmed, R., Colford Jr., J. M., Luby, S. P., Pickering, A. J. (2016) Occurrence of host-associated fecal markers on child hands, household soil, and drinking water in rural Bangladeshi households. Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 3(11).

Harris, A. R., Pickering, A. J., Harris, M. R., Doza, S., Islam, S., Unicomb, L., Luby, S., Davis, J., Boehm, A. (2016) Ruminants contribute fecal contamination to the household environment in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(9).

Julian, T. R., Islam, M. A., Pickering, A. J., Roy, S., Fuhrmeister, E. R., Ercumen, A., Harris, A., Bishai J., Schwab, K. J. (2015) Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Escherichia coli isolated from feces, hands, and soils in rural Bangladesh using the Colilert Qunati-Tray System (IDEXX). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81(5).

Mattioli, M. C., Boehm, A.B., Davis, J., Harris, A. R., Mrisho, M., Pickering, A. J. (2014) Enteric pathogens in stored drinking water and on caregiver’s hands in Tanzanian household with and without reported cases of child diarrhea. PLoS ONE, 9(1).

Harris, A. R., Davis, J., Boehm, A. (2013) Mechanisms of post-supply contamination of drinking water in Bagamoyo, Tazania. Journal of Water and Health, 11(3).

Han, S., Mukherji, S. T., Rice, A., & Hughes, J. B. (2011). Determination of 2, 4-and 2, 6-dinitrotoluene biodegradation limits. Chemosphere, 85(5).



Gilmartin, S., Harris, A. R., Martin-Ebosele, A., Sheppard, S. Who will lead us out of climate crisis? Gender, race, and early career pathways in environmental engineering. 2021 ASEE National Conference. Abstract accepted, manuscript in review.

Atwood, S., Gilmartin, S., Harris, A. R., Sheppard, S. Definitions and intersecting identities of first-generation college and low-income engineering students. 2020 ASEE National Conference, June 22-27, 2020. Virtual.

Rude, Lenard, Harris, A., Gilmartin, S., Sheppard, S. Exploring Alignment Between Engineering Students’ Job Plans and Post-Graduation Outcomes. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, October 306, 2018. San Jose, California. 2018.

Harris, A. R., Reinders, K., Gilmartin, S., Sheppard, S. Understanding engineering student motivating factors for job application and selection. 2017 ASEE National Conference.

Streveler, R., Brunhaver, S., Matusovich, H., Sheppard, S., Carrico, C., Harris, A. R.,  Professional Engineering Pathways Study: Using a Community of Practice Model to Propagate Findings and Engage the Community. 2017 ASEE National Conference.

Schar, M., Rieken, E., Gilmartin, S., Harris, A. R., Sheppard, S. Innovation Self-Efficacy: Development of a Measurement Scale. 2017 ASEE National Conference.

Carrico, C., Harris, A. R., Matusovich, H., Brunhaver, S., Sheppard, S., Streveler, R. Helping Engineering Students Get Jobs: Views from Career Services Professionals. 2016 ASEE National Conference.

Schar, M., Harris, A. R., Witt, R., Rice, R., Sheppard, S. Sharing Success: The Impact of Individual-to-Group Closeness on Student Performance in Large-Scale Engineering Classes. 2016 ASEE National Conference.

Brunhaver, S., Matusovich, H., Streveler, R., Sheppard, S., Carrico, C., Harris, A. R.,  Understanding Engineering Students’ Professional Pathways: A Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study. 2016 ASEE National Conference.